Preventing Hearing Loss

Where to Start With Hearing Aids Source: Hearing Health Foundation There are many causes of hearing loss, but the only fully preventable cause from excess noise, or from listening too loud for too long. The Invisible But Growing Epidemic Noise-induced hearing loss...

Where to Start With Hearing Aids

Where to Start With Hearing Aids Source: Hearing Health Foundation Think You Need Hearing Aids? Here’s Where to Start If you think you might need hearing aids (see an overview of the various types here), or if you haven’t had your hearing checked recently, the first...

Treating Hearing Loss (HHF)

Treating Hearing Loss Source: Hearing Health Foundation Options for Treatment Hearing aids and cochlear implants are the most common forms of technology that enable people with hearing loss to communicate with their friends and family and contribute to overall...

7 Reasons to Get Your Hearing Tested

7 Reasons to Get Your Hearing Tested Source: Hearing Health Foundation Too often people delay getting a hearing test because they don’t realize that testing and treating their hearing loss can transform their lives. Here are the top reasons to get your hearing tested....

Do You Have a Hearing Loss?

Do You Have a Hearing Loss? Hearing loss is rarely sudden or total, unless you are exposed to an exceptionally loud noise or head trauma. It’s usually gradual—sometimes so gradual that your family and friends may notice the problem before you do.   Source: Hearing...