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Hearing Aids 101
A hearing aid is a medical device that is worn behind or within the ear canal. Hearing aids can be classified as either prescription, purchased through a hearing professional (audiologist, hearing aid specialist, or ENT); or over-the-counter, hearing aids intended for use by adults (age 18 or over) with mild to moderate hearing loss that may be purchased online, through the mail, or in a retail location without the intervention of a licensed hearing professional.
Hearing aids are built with the same basic parts: the microphone, the processor, the receiver (or loudspeaker), and the battery.
The microphone(s) captures the natural sound surrounding the hearing aid user. Microphones can be either directional, picking up sound in front of the wearer, or omni directional, where sound is captured from every direction. When a microphone captures sound, it is converted to a digital message and sent to the processor.
The processor reads the microphone’s digital message and customizes what is amplified. Depending on the device’s capabilities and settings, the processor enhances speech recognition, amplifies certain sounds, reduces or cancels feedback and reduces background noise.
The receiver/loudspeaker sends a soundwave from the processor to the ear canal. The hearing aid alters sounds in the environment to be clearer and more recognizable to the user.
The battery keeps the hearing aid on and functioning. Depending on the hearing aid style and capabilities, disposable batteries can last anywhere from 3-20 days. Rechargeable batteries are also available in many hearing aids and are created to provide power throughout the day after an overnight charge.
Styles of Hearing Aids
There are three main styles of hearing aids that you can choose from today: Receiver-in-the-Canal (RIC), Behind-the-Ear (BTE), and In-the-Ear (ITE). Choosing which style of hearing aid is most suitable for you depends on your type of hearing loss and lifestyle needs.
Receiver-in-the-Canal Hearing Aids
Receiver-in-the-Canal (RIC) hearing aids are a discreet hearing aid option that sits behind the ear. The case behind the ear holds the hearing aid’s microphone(s), battery, and other components. A small, nearly invisible tube connects the case of the device to the receiver that sits inside the ear canal. RIC hearing aids come in a variety of colors and can treat nearly all levels of hearing loss.
Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aid
The Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids are similar to RIC hearing aids with the battery compartment, microphone, receiver and digital controls sitting behind the ear. Because some BTE models can house larger batteries for greater amplification and the speakers in BTE models are also located in the casing behind the ear, BTE models are typically larger than RIC models. When sound is captured by the BTE hearing aids, it travels into the wearers ear via a thin tube to a flexible ear dome or custom earmold. The casing that sits behind the ear can be purchased in various colors to match the wearer’s skin tone, hair color, or fashion choice. The BTE style is available in power levels suited for those with mild to profound hearing loss.
In-the-Ear Hearing Aids
In-the-Ear (ITE) hearing aids sit inside of the canal in a lightweight plastic shell. ITE hearing aids can be custom fit to the outer portion of the wearer’s ear with the use of an ear impression. There are also In-the-Canal (ITC) options that are more discreet, fitting inside the ear canal with a smaller portion visible in the outer ear. The Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC) option is even smaller and hardly visible to someone looking at the wearer’s ear, with a fully Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC) also an option. ITE and ITC hearing aids are made for mild to severe hearing loss, while CIC and IIC are made for mild to moderate hearing loss.